My humble opinion about a major world event

Mila Aleman
2 min readNov 1, 2016

Sharing my thoughts one week before the US presidential election

It is nerve-racking to see what’s happening in the US right now and to know that its citizens stand at the edge of an abyss where people’s “disappointment”, “against the establishment”, “punish politicians”, “end status quo”, “writing someone in” types of votes can derail a country if they end up putting an incompetent person in The White House (not to get into any derogatory remarks on Mr. Trump, but he is clearly unqualified for this job )

Like her or not, if Americans want to make sure that there is progress and a possibility of a future they need to vote for Hillary Clinton. She is obviously capable of doing the job and I dare to say; excel at it. She has a well thought out plan for governing, whether you agree with it or not you have to recognize that she knows what she is talking about. It is a shame that more time is dedicated to “scandals” than to facts, but so be it. In any case, what is at stake here is not only the economy; the values that govern the behavior in the society are at stake as well; tolerance, kindness, compassion, respect, human rights, etc.

A null vote is a vote for Trump, a vote for Trump, is a vote for hatred, a vote for separatism, a vote for racism, a vote for actions without measuring consequences, a vote for bullying, a vote for retrograde policies.

Voters beware of buyers’ remorse as is happening in the UK after Brexit or the buyers' remorse that many, many, many Venezuelans experience after realizing that they were infatuated by the “Revolucion Bolivariana” and voted “against the establishment” helping put Chavez into power. For those of you that don’t know what’s going on in Venezuela here just a little sample of what Chavez’s “revolution” has brought to the country.

Why do I care? I am a resident, my brother, my sister in law and two of my nephews are American. I have many American friends. My parents are residents. Moreover, if America goes down, even if you move to Canada, you won’t be able to escape the consequences of what a possible (hopefully never) Trump presidency will be. To quote the man himself: It would be a disaster!



Mila Aleman

Venezuelan born, American and Dutch at heart. Global citizen overall. Marketing, management, team leader and motivator. Avid learner; goofy, curious, optimistic